
Monday, June 14, 2010

The Dragon Boat Festival 端午節(falling on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month) 端午節 ...粽子.( a pyramid-shaped mass of glutinous rice wrapped in leaves

端午節The Dragon Boat Festival (falling on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month)
端午節 吃粽子, 肉粽..(BAK ZHANG ).( a pyramid-shaped mass of glutinous
rice wrapped in bamboo leaves....

端午節 ...端午節 16-JUNE-(五月初五) 吃粽子, 包肉粽..(BAK ZHANG ).....
她在包肉粽 ,粽子......看她全神貫注.........Kim Ngo concentrate
wraping Bak Zhang.........

蘭姐在包肉粽 ,粽子......看她全神貫注.........She Madam Lan concentrate
wraping Bak Zhang.........

端午節 吃粽子, 肉粽..(BACHAN)

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